Application Guidance
The aim of LEDLET and Legal Wales in running Summer Schemes is to encourage young people from Wales, or with strong Welsh connections, to ‘Aim High’. If you are interested in a career in the law, we are here to reassure you that any sense of ‘not coming from the right background’ should never deter you. Our selection criteria reflect those aims.
There are three forms for completion, all online: the application form; the parents’/guardians’ form; and the teacher’s form. If you, your parents/guardians or teachers have any questions about filling in the forms please contact the LEDLET Secretary at ledletsecretary@outlook.com
Minimum criteria
You can apply for the LEDLET-Legal Wales 2025 Law Summer Scheme if you meet these two minimum criteria:
you are in Year 12 and will be under 18 years old on the last day of the Scheme
you live in Wales or have some connection to Wales
What we’re looking for in addition
You will also need to explain why you think that you should be selected. In particular you must:
show why an opportunity like the Scheme would otherwise not be available to you (making sure to disclose whether anyone in your family is a lawyer or has connections to the legal sector*);
show academic ability;

show a good quality of writing in English or Welsh;
show commitment and determination to succeed; and
show that you have an interest in the law as a career.
*You should also be aware that a principal purpose of the Summer Scheme is to seek to assist those who do not have any family connection with the legal profession. As such, if you have a member of the legal profession in your family, you must disclose this in your application and explain the circumstances, so that those marking it can determine whether or not you require the assistance provided by the Scheme. Failure to make full disclosure of your family connections will almost certainly result in any offer of a place on the Scheme being withdrawn. The existence of such undeclared connections usually becomes known quickly.
Other matters
In addressing the 5 competencies identified above, you may wish to tell us about other matters that you think might help us consider your application e.g.
any extra-curricular activities; and/or
any work experience (including legal work experience) that you have had, and how you obtained it.
Please make sure you explain how you obtained any work experience opportunities you describe, as your access to such opportunities is relevant to how the Scheme may assist you.
Supporting students who are facing challenges or have fewer opportunities
Finally, we will take into account, positively, any challenges you are coping with or factors that might affect your opportunities. Below, we give some examples, but please tell us about anything you fear might have held or will hold you back from achieving your potential.
Examples might be:
you have a disability;
you are a carer for someone else;
you are (or have been) in care, including foster care;
you are not receiving additional support via your school/college (such as a place on the Seren programme);
you qualify for free school meals or some form of pupil support grant;
anything that has affected your ability to achieve higher grades at school/college;
you live in an economically-disadvantaged area;
A-level results at your school/college are lower than average;
a lower-than-average number of pupils from your school/college go on to Higher Education; and/or
you live in an area where it is difficult to access legal work experience.
As mentioned above, the application form is designed to be filled in and submitted entirely online.
LEDLET/Legal Wales may contact a parent/guardian and/or teacher for verification of the contents of your application.
If you have not received a confirmation from the LEDLET secretary by 3 March 2025 confirming receipt of your application please contact ledletsecretary@outlook.com.
The deadline for applications to be submitted is 9 February 2025.