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Get Involved

LEDLET relies heavily on support from mentors, law firms, chambers, schools, colleges and alumni to ensure both the Summer Scheme and Judicial Mentoring Scheme go ahead each year.


Interested in helping? Please see below for more information on how you can help!








The summer scheme runs for one week in July in both London and Cardiff. The week aims to give students a variety of experiences with solicitors, barristers and judges. The number of students we are able to accept onto the schemes depends on the availability of mentors, and so any offer of support is greatly appreciated and welcomed. The summer scheme this year will run from 13th-17th July, and sponsors and mentors are needed in both London and Cardiff. If you or your firm would be interested in taking on a student for the day, or sponsor an evening event please get in touch with   



LEDLET offers mentoring opportunities: see the Mentoring Opportunities page. The Mentoring Scheme aims to give every applicant help or support going forward so that they are able to gain more insight into the legal professions and to begin to build a network of legal professionals. Mentors will be expected to offer a student at least a one hour a mentoring conversation; longer term arrangements might follow, which might involve an opportunity for students to shadow a lawyer for a day or so. If you or your firm would be interested in participating please contact


LEDLET is always looking to spread the word to students about the Summer Scheme and the excellent work we have done in the past aiding students to achieve incredible things. Our Trustees come from range of regions across Wales, and would be delighted to come to schools and colleges to give a talk about the Trust, its opportunities and to discuss with students what a career in law could look like. The talks are aimed at year 12 students, although this is not strict; they could be of benefit to year 10, 11 and 13 students. If your school or college would be interested in arranging for one of our trustees to come to deliver a talk please contact


LEDLET is working with Legal Wales to inspire young Welsh people to 'Aim High'.


LEDLET is associated with Gray's Inn and the Association of London Welsh Lawyers.

Registered Charity: 1168785

Copyright: 2013 - 2023 Lord Edmund-Davies Legal Education Trust 


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